Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 13905

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Quinn, Amy (2021) What role do faith secondary schools play in shaping Catholics' attitudes towards homosexuality in England?. (unpublished BSc dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


This dissertation considered the changing relationship between the Catholic Church and LGBTQ+ individuals and aimed to understand the role that faith secondary schools play on shaping Catholic’s attitudes towards homosexuality. There have been many political and educational changes regarding the LGBTQ+ community and these changes can be seen as having a significant impact on how individuals feel in society and if they feel accepted. With the Pope having commented on same-sex marriages and believes that they need to be treated the same legally, it has started to show some shift in the way in which the Church may be viewing non-heterosexual relationships. Not only is it important to understand what the Catholic community’s views are on homosexuality, but also what factors cause them to obtain these views. An argument can be made as to how one’s education can affect their opinions and attitudes towards societal topics, such as homosexuality.
Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 7 participants in an attempt to understand the different educational experiences between students who attended a faith secondary school and those who attended non-faith secondary schools. The key aims of this investigation is to understand what factors shape people’s understanding of homosexuality and to evaluate how much of an impact school of choice can influence one’s perception of homosexuality. The research found that the participant’s experiences at school helped to shape their attitudes towards homosexuality, as well as the impact of social media and your personal family upbringing. It became clear that the role of faith secondary schools plays a large part in shaping attitudes towards homosexuality, as they followed the Church’s guidelines.

Course: Sociology - BSc (Hons) - C0315

Date Deposited: 2022-05-16

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis13905.html