Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 13938

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Brailey, Holly (2021) An investigation into the role of early attachment and its impact in childhood and early-mid adolescence with a focus on social development. (unpublished BA dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


Early attachments have been a topic of interest within the psychological field for many decades. This dissertation investigated the role of these attachments and explored their impacts during childhood and early-mid adolescence. There are many ways in which these impacts could have been investigated. However, this dissertation focused primarily on social development to allow for a more in-depth inspection. To make the investigation achievable, a literature review was the preferred method of research which included the use of sources such as books, ebooks and journal articles. One of the key findings, and an overriding theme throughout this dissertation, was that positive early attachments are an essential component in supporting the holistic development of individuals. In terms of social development, the literature also presented that early attachments can have a role in the construction of personality which consequently can have the potential to impact the social development of young people. However, through extensive research, it became apparent that early attachments are not the only influence to consider in regards to social development. Biological factors and many other external factors also need to be considered in order to have a coherent understanding of how individuals socially develop. In addition to this, it is important to note that the ways in which young people are forming friendships are transforming, with far more individuals choosing to socialise virtually via social platforms which again, raised further questions around the true impact of early attachment in this process. With this being said, even if questions were raised throughout, on the whole this literature review presents an abundance of evidence to support the notion that early attachments are significant in the process of social development for both children and early-mid adolescents and therefore deems it an important topic to consider within research and practice.

Course: Childhood and Youth Studies - BA (Hons) - C1989F

Date Deposited: 2022-07-25

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis13938.html