Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 13939

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Fleet, Lacey Paige (2021) To investigate the impact of parental separation and the approaches to supporting children aged 5-7 years during and after parental separation. (unpublished BA dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


In 2013, almost 95,000 children in the UK faced parental separation or divorce (Martindale & Lacey, 2017). Children in the age group of 4-7 years are most found to experience their parents separating (Hawthorne et al, 2003). At this age they are very vulnerable and rely on their environments for support and guidance (Pearce, 2011). Therefore, it is important to recognise the supportive approaches teachers can facilitate in the school environment, as consistent support is needed both in the child’s home and school. This dissertation investigated the effects parental separation can have on younger children and how approaches can be utilised to overcome these factors. This was achieved using semi-structured interviews with KS1 teachers who support young children during family transitions. The research study found that contextual factors could influence the degree of impact children face. The research also showed that adults need to provide consistent, safe, and secure environments for children to confront their emotions and feelings safely. The dissertation recognises the complexities of supporting young children during this family event. However, the dissertation findings strengthen the case that positive outcomes are achieved with corroboration between the child’s home and school environment.

Course: Early Childhood Studies - BA (Hons)

Date Deposited: 2022-07-25

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis13939.html