Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 13946

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Sensi, Camilla (2022) Subtitling a Spanish video of the LGBT community history into English: an analysis of the main Audio-Visual Translation difficulties and cultural and linguistic challenge. (unpublished BA dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


This project’s aim is to create suitable and easily read English subtitles for the Spanish video Historia del Colectivo LGTB en 10 minutos. Prior to subtitling, an in-depth text analysis was undertaken and subtitle guidelines and translation and subtitling literature were studied. This commentary discusses the general difficulties of Audio-Visual translations (AVT) and in particular it deals with the resolution of the mode-switch, from oral to written, which occurs when subtitling Audio-Visual (AV) products. It analyses the polysemiotic nature of AV productions and the limitations they are subjected to due to time and space constraints. These issues can be overcome with the application of translation strategies such as omission, reformulation and condensation.
Another issue dealt with in this commentary are the problems to overcome when translating from Spanish into English. These will concern mostly linguistic aspects which can be solved with the application of translation procedures that facilitate the transfer of the message between languages such as compensation, particularisation and idiomisation.
It is important to specify that the application of every translation strategy or procedure was studied and determined according to the ST and TT context. This project offers possible translation and adaptation solutions among several variants.

Course: Modern Languages - BA - U2834FTC

Date Deposited: 2022-08-01

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis13946.html