Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 13947

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Baron, Darcey Olivia (2022) Subtitling and commentary of an episode of BBC Eastenders from English to French: analysis of the linguistic and software-based difficulties encountered when translating. (unpublished BA dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


This project aims to research and analyse the difficulties encountered when subtitling. There are multiple categories of issues throughout this project, some of which being linguistic, software related or culture related. This particular episode was used as it was a challenging extract containing a wide range of problems.
Throughout this commentary, different resources and methodology are used in order to achieve the most appropriate translation of this episode. Resources including texts or journals from translation theorists are used, in addition to a variety of sources including parallel texts, which were used to find particular translations in the target language (TL).
After the completion of the subtitling project, it was evident that the main areas surrounded the use of software, such as the character limitations. Furthermore, the role of culture will also be discussed throughout this commentary, as well as other issues surrounding the translation of the source text into French, relating to individual issues.
In the conclusion, the most difficult sectors will be explained, in addition to what research could be carried on from this project, particularly in the sector of audiovisual translation software use.

Course: Modern Languages - BA - U2834FTC

Date Deposited: 2022-08-01

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis13947.html