Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 13956

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Zanella, Giulia (2022) Translation & commentary of four articles taken from “Mujer Hoy”: a Spanish online magazine. (unpublished BA dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


This research project is a translation and commentary of four articles taken from the Spanish online magazine called “Mujer Hoy.” The chosen articles are written by the same author, Elena Olivero, and they are all about fashion matters and current trending styles.
The translation is from Spanish into British English. The target audience chosen to address for the translation is a demographic women’s readership with the age between 20 to 45 years. Therefore, the purpose is to provide an accurate translation - accessible for an UK audience and for all those that live and are familiar with the English dialect. The commentary of the translation is a research and analysis on all the techniques and strategies used while translating from the source text. It will discuss the main problem-solving procedures while translating, as well as complications that arose while achieving the accurate final project. The matters that have been covered are: grammatical changes, text type, register, target audience and the challenges encountered in changing and translating the cultural specific expressions.

Parallel texts were a useful tool that helped complete the translation in a more accurate way so that it could be easily accessible for the British public

Course: Modern Languages - BA - U2834FTC

Date Deposited: 2022-08-08

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis13956.html