Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 13963

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Hopkins, Cerys (2022) How is romanticism used to portray British Intelligence in spy films set during the Cold War: looking at the characters of James Bond and George Smiley?. (unpublished BA dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


In this dissertation I will be looking at how Romanticism has been used to portray British Intelligence in spy films set during the Cold War. I will be looking at the characters of both James Bond and George Smiley in the films From Russia With Love (Young, 1963) and Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (Alfredson, 2011). In particular I will look at how the unconscious Romanticism has been used throughout these films using Devereaux’s understanding of the topic and how this has been crafted into them through things such as character representation and mise-en-scéne. I will be looking at both the semantic and semiotic approach to analyse key scenes, looking at scholars such as Roland Barthes and Rick Altman. I will incorporate socio-historical knowledge of the British Intelligence’s involvement in the Cold War into the discussion for historical accuracy. I’ll also compare both James Bond and George Smiley through their similarities and differences in regards to their characteristics. Furthermore discussing the continuation of the spy genre and how the narrative has evolved over many decades. I will conclude this by looking at how Romanticism has been used unconsciously in the different films such as through the postmodern and through nostalgic discourse.

Course: Film Industries - BA - C2651S

Date Deposited: 2022-08-08

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis13963.html