Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 13970

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Stanley, Evan (2022) Updating the undead: horror film remaking and The evil dead franchise. (unpublished BA dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


This dissertation questions the functioning and processes of film remakes and focuses particularly on texts from a case study of the Evil Dead franchise (Raimi; Alvarez, 1981- to date) to achieve this. It aims to explain the textual shifts in two filmic re-imaginings of the Evil Dead cinematic universe. The methods for completing this involve firstly the foregrounding of Hollywood mainstream cinematic remakes contextualised within their recent trend in the horror genre; this aids the analyses of each case study text and is informed by academic research in the fields of sequelisations and horror film theory as well as minor primary surveys of this landscape. Initially the first of the main chapters sets up the case study with an insight into the formation and legacy of the original The Evil Dead film and finds there to be specific production and aesthetic tropes which progress to inspire reinterpretations of the narrative. Following this is a discussion of the film’s sequel Evil Dead II and particularly the audience and critical discourse of its potential role as a remake of the first film. The narrative and tonal differentiations and progressions seen in this text leads to examinations of 2013’s Evil Dead reboot which responds to the legacy of the originals and contains its own set of production values and narrative foci that offer an updating of Sam Raimi’s original vision.

Course: Film Industries - BA - C2651S

Date Deposited: 2022-08-08

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis13970.html