Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 13979

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Weaver, Georgia Isabella (2021) How Wes Anderson creates new worlds and how this secures his place as an auteur in contemporary cinema. (unpublished BA dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


Wes Anderson is a contemporary filmmaker whose comical and charming style has led to his deserving title as an auteur. His obsessive and unique approach to Film has caught the eye of multiple scholars who strive to understand why his films look like they do and whereabouts to place him in cinema today. Anderson’s personal brand refers to his consistent attention to detail, relentless visual symmetry, high saturation of colour and his contrasting, melancholic subject matter. He is predominantly defined by this aesthetic, and it is the reason for his continuous popularity today. From Bottle Rocket (1996) to Fantastic Mr Fox (2009) to The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014), Anderson has created new worlds which are far more fantastical and quainter than our own.
Acknowledging that auteur theory has changed, it is important to understand Anderson as a director of a new generation and to know to what extent he relies on mainstream culture for the success of his films or whether we can truly call him an independent filmmaker. Through exploration of what it means to be an auteur now and an in-depth analysis of his design elements using case studies of selected films, there will be a better understanding of the whimsical and wonderful world(s) of Wes Anderson.

Course: Film Studies - BA (Hons) - C1256

Date Deposited: 2022-08-10

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis13979.html