Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 13982

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Hinton, Chloe (2021) Female body image representation in the media and the rise of the ‘Body Positive’ Movement. (unpublished BA dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


There has been much academic writing concerning traditional expectations attributed to the ‘ideal’ female body. This dissertation begins by exploring these notions and highlighting how although body ideals have evolved over the years, the norms enforced by society, mean that women feel dissatisfied with their bodies and will often go to lengths to manipulate their forms. The primary aim of this dissertation is to explore the representation of female forms in the media, both in the past and present. This is with particular focus on Instagram and the ways in which influencers present themselves and how these posts arguably have an effect on the attitudes of society. Among the influencers explored are Kylie Jenner as she has such a large following, she can be considered extremely influential to young females. It also explores Adele’s weight loss and the media reaction to this. Classic academic texts such as Chris Shilling, Mary Douglas and Susie Orbach are utilised to get a general understanding of the representation of female bodies and how slim figures are traditionally favoured and seen as the norm. Moreover, the idea of retaining youth is also very much encouraged in society and there is a general fear of aging. These are all further encouraged by celebrities such as Kylie Jenner who portrays herself as appearing ‘perfect’ in every post, though in reality each photograph is carefully orchestrated. In contrast, the Body Positive Movement is explored, as it is a relatively new concept which is aiming to change society’s narrowing perception of bodily perception through Instagram. It is reminiscent of second wave feminism, incorporating similar values of female acceptance. Body Positive influencers such as Alex Light and Jameela Jamil, as well as Sofie Hagen who can be considered a more radical fat activist. It will be argued that it is having an overall positive effect on the attitudes of society and encouraging females to accept their own bodies.

Course: Media Studies - BA (Hons) - C1346

Date Deposited: 2022-08-10

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis13982.html