Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 13999

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Curran, Leanne (2021) Misogyny and the Far-Right: territorial, reproductive, and sexual ownership within the Far-Right. (unpublished MA dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


This thesis asks two questions: To what extent is misogyny critical within the Far-Right movement and why has it been ignored as a motivating factor in Far-Right Terrorism? To answer the first part, it uses the idea of ownership over women to explore how attitudes towards women’s rights underpin key ideological aspects of the Far-Right. Using the themes of territorial ownership, reproductive ownership, and sexual ownership it analyses misogyny in three groups within the movement: White nationalists and supremacists, anti-abortion advocates and Involuntary Celibates. Using feminist scholarship on nationalism, gender, and women’s rights, as well as scholarship on the Far-Right, it examines offline and online rhetoric by all four groups to explore how misogyny informs the Far-Right ideological worldview. It finds that misogyny is as critical to Far-Right ideology as racism, with the two often intertwined. In answering the second part of the question it finds that a reluctance to acknowledge that misogyny is political in the same sense as racism – despite the teachings of intersectionality, is a key reason for violence against women not being understood as terrorism or extremism.

Course: International Relations - MA - P2929FTD

Date Deposited: 2022-08-18

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis13999.html