Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 14003

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Calvert-Lee, Caroline (2021) Examining women’s leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic. (unpublished MPA dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


Women leaders have been hailed as being successful in leading their countries through the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aims to consider how the leadership styles of women leaders, Jacinda Ardern and Angela Merkel in particular, have positively influenced their countries’ responses. The successes of women leaders are quantified by examining the numbers of cases and deaths associated with COVID-19, where it is found that countries with women leaders had fewer of both overall during the first wave of the pandemic. A comprehensive review and comparison of public addresses, literature and media reporting demonstrate that Ardern and Merkel have both displayed extraordinary leadership during an unprecedented global crisis, remaining clear and direct but also empathic and compassionate. Displaying elements of Transformational, Servant and Authentic leadership, and adapting their styles when required through Situational Leadership. This study demonstrates that leadership styles and characteristics more generally displayed by women are key to leading successfully during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Course: Public administration - MPA - P2343FTD

Date Deposited: 2022-08-25

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis14003.html