Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 14007

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Senior, Philip (2021) Investigating attitudes towards China English as a variety and teaching model and to what extent raising awareness can influence these attitudes.. (unpublished MA dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


The number of Chinese people learning English and going abroad to study has risen
over the last thirty years. However, learners still find it difficult to communicate
effectively in English. One suggestion has been the teaching model in class may not
be suitable, and that combining a nativized variety, namely China English, into the
current teaching model may be effective. This research sought to investigate the
attitudes of Chinese students and teachers who take or teach the IELTS or TOEFL
exam towards China English as a developing variety and as a teaching model.
Furthermore, it sought to answer to what extent attitudes can be influenced by
raising awareness among participants of China English. Two questionnaires were
used before and after students read an article about China English to see how much
the article would influence their opinions. One-to-one interviews were then
conducted with a small number of participants to explore the issues further. It was
discovered that raising awareness of China English does increase positive attitudes
towards China English both as a variety and as a teaching model, though the
interviews found that certain criteria need to be met for it to become acceptable. In
conclusion, it seems apparent that for specific learning contexts a combined teaching
model of British or American English with China English vocabulary may be an
effective option.

Course: Applied Linguistics and TESOL (DL) - MA - C2023

Date Deposited: 2022-09-05

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis14007.html