Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 14011

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Nawaz, Erfa Zohaib (2022) Teachers’ perceptions on teaching poetry in schools of Pakistan: teaching practice, issues, and the way forward. (unpublished MA dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


Poetry has a special place in English language literature. It is argued that poetry could be
used as authentic teaching material in language learning classes to support wide range of
learning outcomes. Despite the value of poetry as an authentic source for language learning,
its use in the classroom is declining over the time and the problem is more severe at
secondary school level and in countries like Pakistan, where English is taught as a
compulsory second language. This study investigates this issue by exploring perceptions of
English teachers at secondary school level.

This research uses a mixed method research design and relies on phenomenographic
approach to explore experiences of the teachers actually teaching English at secondary school
level in Pakistan. The study used questionnaire to collect both quantitative and qualitative
data from a sample of 20 teachers, who were selected using purposive sampling. The analysis
revealed that there was some support on the value of poetry as a viable tool to learn English,
but teachers were reluctant to teach poetry due to its perceived difficulty. The most
interesting findings of the study is that English teachers at secondary school level of Pakistan
do not focus on the real language learning outcomes, but have a narrow focus on preparing
students for the examination only. Thus, the teachers do not see poetry as an authentic
teaching material to promote language learning, and confine their teaching practice to
translation method and provision of notes supplements. Therefore, it is recommended that
language teaching paradigm at secondary school level must be realigned to account for real
language learning, where teachers must be trained and supported to make this paradigm shift
from ‘grade orientation’ to ‘learning orientation’. Assessment system at secondary school
level should be modified to incorporate assessment of actual language learning outcomes.
These improvements would redefine the place of poetry in ELT landscape of Pakistan.

Course: Applied Linguistics and TESOL (DL) - MA - C2023

Date Deposited: 2022-09-06

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis14011.html