Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 14017

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Barlow, Olga (2022) Autobiographical writing: translation strategies and historical and cultural mediation. (unpublished MA dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


This major project was set up to translate an autobiographical text from Russian into English for a specific young Anglophone audience. It was presumed that this kind of audience reads closely with a view of gaining information about the history and culture, as well as deriving pleasure from the process. The project aimed at establishing the general principles governing the translation of this type of narrative for the specified audience, including the degree of the translator’s visible agency in the translated text. A 6200-word Russian text was translated into English using a foreignizing approach and a range of translation procedures, the addition of explanatory information as gloss or footnotes being the dominant one. The resulting translation showed that the strategy was well-chosen and appropriate to maximise the historical and cultural understanding of the content by the audience, and allowed for a clearer and more enjoyable reading of the text. The translation promotes the translator’s active agency, which is visible through explanatory information extra-textually or as gloss.

Course: Translation Studies - MA/PGD - C0680

Date Deposited: 2022-09-21

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis14017.html