Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 14042

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Orozco Fernández, Paula (2022) Natural element simulations on visual effects. (unpublished BSc dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


The chosen artefact is intended to investigate and analyse current visual effects industry standards and procedures. The project's primary goal is to acquire the necessary skills to complete various simulations using software relevant to the sector. It will feature a short animation of a character turned into different natural components. SideFX Houdini and Adobe Premiere are the programmes used to create the artefact. The production planning method has been established to follow a waterfall approach, illustrated with a Gantt chart. A short anonymous poll was constructed to gauge public opinion on the artefact, and the results will determine whether the project fits the already mentioned standards and will give some insight on the role of a visual effects artist.

Course: Computer Animation and Visual Effects - BSc - U2700PYC

Date Deposited: 2022-10-28

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis14042.html