Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 14076

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Oladipi, Olutoyin Oluwabunmi (2022) Helpful or(not): experience of young people with drug and alcohol support services. (unpublished MSc dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


Substance misuse is associated with various risks such as exclusion from education and employment, child sexual and criminal exploitation, risky sexual behaviour, offending and antisocial behaviour. Maintaining the engagement of young people in drug interventions is a strong indicator of improving a young person's outcomes. Hence the focus of this dissertation is to find out from the perspective of young people what factors promote or hinders engagement with drug interventions.
This dissertation critically appraised five research articles published between 2017-2022. The thematic analysis led to the identification of seven themes. A key theme emerged from the crucial role professional relationships play in engaging young people. Other established factors that promote young people's engagement include confidentiality, collaboratively setting drug intervention goals with young people, and offering holistic support through effective multiagency collaboration. The finding also indicated that young people preferred professionals who share similar characteristics and are willing to provide practical support. Again, young people are more likely to engage with a service that has creative sessions incorporating audiovisual resources and arts and crafts. Ultimately, the findings from this dissertation offered practical recommendations for social workers and other practitioners involved in drug intervention services for young people.

Course: Social Work - MSc - C2081F

Date Deposited: 2022-11-14

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis14076.html