Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 14091

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Moon, Soohoon (2022) How can claims management systems be improved. (unpublished MSc dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


The magnitude of construction claim value is enormous according to the large scale of construction project. Moreover, claim value could be significantly increased due to the specific events such as pandemic, epidemic, economic crisis and etc. However, even though claim is inevitable due to its nature of construction industry, only the problems of claim management system is researched without verification of its improvement methods.

Therefore, this paper aimed to verify effectiveness of claim management system in the South Korean construction industry in a contractor’s perspective as well as an investigation of problems of claim management system. The survey was undertaken to collect opinions from experts in order to accomplish the research’s goal. The questions were asked about stage of the most claim occurrence, main reasons of the claim, problems of each claim management process, important claim management process and finally effectiveness of improvement methods on claim management system. 

As a result, this study determined that the most claim occurrence phase is the last stage of the project. Secondary, main reason of the claims were identified as change in scope and delay. Additionally, each claim management process from identification, notification, examination, documentation, presentation and negotiation was comparatively analyzed. Moreover, important claim management processes were investigated as identification, notification and documentation. Finally, most effective way to improve claim management system is considered as systematical record keeping system in both the UK and the South Korean construction industry.

Overall, in order to improve claim management system, claim event is required to clearly identified and notified according to the contract during initial stage of the project and well-organized record keeping system is needed to operate during life cycle of the project. Additionally, training system of site staffs or dedicated claim management team could enhance effectiveness of claim management system.

Course: Quantity Surveying - MSc - C2170

Date Deposited: 2023-02-13

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis14091.html