Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 14109

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Cornell, Thomas Paul (2022) An exploration of the effectiveness of new starter induction processes for teachers moving between schools. (unpublished MSc dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


This research aimed to explore the effectiveness of new starter induction processes for teachers moving between schools. There is numerous research on combatting teacher attrition through the process of induction. Most recently, the level of support provided to early career teachers (ECTs) has been extended by policymakers from one to two years. However, there is little research on the induction experienced by new starters and how they can be supported in their new role when moving between schools. The rationale for this research was to explore the induction experiences of new starters and what level of support they have received during this process. Eight participants completed a semi-structured interview which was designed to gather qualitative data about the effectiveness of new starter induction processes for teachers moving between schools. Transcribed interviews were analysed using thematic analysis. Multiple themes were extracted from the data and the following four themes were extracted: being introduced to new colleagues, feeling supported, personalising the induction based on the job role and what is covered during the induction. The findings from the research suggest that the induction provided for some of the new starters did not allow them to integrate into their new establishment. Relying on experience and less on the information and support the participants did or did not receive during their induction, was the key factor in how they fulfilled their role. All of the participants identified that the induction needs to be tailored to a specific job role and the current generic induction received by many of the participants was not providing the required content required to fulfil their role

Course: Educational Leadership and Management - MSc

Date Deposited: 2023-03-23

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis14109.html