Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 14111

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Pullen, Rebecca (2022) To explore the implementation process of the Maths Mastery approach in primary schools. (unpublished MSc dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


This report presents findings from a study that looked to identify the process undertaken by Mathematic Leaders to implement the Math Mastery approach in their schools. This report draws on current Mathematic Leads based in Primary Schools in the Sussex area, who are also training to become Math Mastery Specialist, as well as a current primary school teacher who has received Math Mastery training by their Mathematics Lead. Data was gathered through questionnaires presented to three Mathematics Leads who successfully implemented the Mastery approach into their schools, as well as an hour long observation of a Key Stage One teacher who received training from their Mathematics Lead and has adopted the Mastery Approach into their teaching. The findings highlight that the Mastery approach to teaching has a positive impact on pupil engagement and staff confidence. Consequently, an improvement in Mathematics attainment was identified in the participating schools. A distinct discrepancy was also identified surrounding the involvement of the Senior Leadership team and their response to change management within their school. Some schools noted their Senior Leadership adopted a ‘bottom-up approach', the Math Leader was left to it, while other schools noted their Senior Leadership adopted a ‘top-down approach', with Senior Leadership having more control over the changes made within the school. Additionally, the data showed that if teachers receive quality training from their Mathematics Lead, the Mastery principles can be successfully implemented in teaching practices with significant positive outcomes. A number of possible implications for practice, leadership and further research are discussed.

Course: Educational Leadership and Management - MSc

Date Deposited: 2023-03-23

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis14111.html