Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 14116

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Leitch, Sophie (2022) Is she thick as sh*t? You get with someone like that for the abuse: a qualitative analysis of Twitter to understand public perceptions of female celebrity survivors of intimate partner abuse. (unpublished MSc dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


Male violence against women and girls has grabbed the attention of the public and policy-makers in recent years following numerous extreme examples of misogyny and femicide, most notably the rape and murder of Sarah Everard by a serving police officer. Intimate partner abuse (IPA) is especially topical currently due to the recent high-profile proceedings between Amber Heard and Johnny Depp, which have generated significant public interest, and strong opinions on the matter.

The aim of this dissertation was to better understand public opinions about female survivors of IPA. To achieve this, a qualitative content analysis was conducted on Tweets which had been shared in relation to the three celebrity survivors selected as case studies: Amber Heard, Evan Rachel Wood and Rhianna. The research highlighted that, despite significant changes within legislation and the criminal justice system’s response to IPA over the years, victim blaming attitudes, as reflected within early positivistic victimology theories, remain prevalent in society today. Such attitudes ultimately impact on the support provided to survivors and their ability to obtain justice. The research demonstrated the continued difficulties in obtaining “victim status”, and how this status can be rejected as a result of both how the abuser is perceived as well as the survivor’s own behaviour or characteristics. The data indicated that the highly influential notion of Christie’s “ideal victim” persists, albeit the characteristics associated with it have evolved in line with women’s changing position in society. It is evident that more research is required in this field to better understand the complexities around who is granted victim status and who is denied it, alongside education programmes to improve the public’s understanding of IPA.


Course: Criminal Justice - MSc - C2681F

Date Deposited: 2023-05-03

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis14116.html