Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 14140

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Mendelson, Marcy Ruth (2022) Cheetah smuggling & the gender lens: the role of women in the illegal wildlife trade. (unpublished MSc dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


The smuggling of cheetah cubs out of the Horn of Africa for the illegal pet trade is a major contributor to their global decline in the wild, yet a key demographic of the population is overlooked in the research into this crime. The aim of this study is to critically examine the intersection between women’s societal position and the smuggling of cheetahs in Africa. Through a comprehensive literature review this study investigates the available research on cheetah smuggling as well as the roles of women in the illegal wildlife trade, and lack of gender inclusivity in literature and investigations. In addition, a small-scale primary research study was conducted with women in Somaliland who are currently working in conservation. The interviews identified women’s primary and secondary roles, and in support of the literature review, revealed the need for gender inclusion in the study of the illegal wildlife trade. The findings from this dissertation discovered that women’s roles are overlooked during seizures and questioning. In addition to this finding, women’s potential to positively influence and contribute to community communication has yet to be incorporated into current conservation strategies in the region. As a result of these investigations, practical and policy implications are recommended as well as areas identified for future research.

Course: Criminal Justice - MSc - C2681F

Date Deposited: 2023-05-11

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis14140.html