Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 14149

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Jaffer, Alisha Fatimer (2023) Materials and their structural design to withstand blast loads in
. (unpublished MEng dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


When a blast occurs, a wave is released outwards of compressed air forming an explosion. Due to global geopolitical tensions, the rise in terrorist acts, particularly in recent decades has demonstrated that the impact of blast loads on structures is a severe issue that needs to be taken into account during the pre-construction design phase. This investigation aims to study the resistance of steel and aluminium as structural components for use in blast-proof building designs.

The behaviour of Aluminium and Steel is tested as they undergo high strain rate loading. Finite element simulations of multi-storey buildings are generated in which aluminium and steel structural column members are utilised, which undergo static linear deformations.  A proposal for increasing the strength of a structure using aluminium and steel columns is discussed and analysed using experimental and numerical findings in this thesis. The investigation concludes that steel is better suited for resisting blast loads compared to aluminium due to its high strength. Suggestions for further numerical work to test the material with non-linear blast load analysis have been made.

Course: Civil Engineering - MEng - U0178178YC

Date Deposited: 2023-07-13

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis14149.html