Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 14155

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Drouet-Lewis, Samuel Charles (2023) An examination of nitrous oxide emissions from wastewater treatment. (unpublished BEng dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


• Civil engineers design wastewater treatment plants all over the world, so it is important to understand the greenhouse gases caused by this industry.
• This report identifies the different types of greenhouse gases produced in wastewater treatment plants and why it is imperative to minimise nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions specifically.
• The main objectives of this project are to test water quality variables to assess factors causing N2O emissions and to recommend ways to reduce N2O emissions in wastewater treatment plants.
• Sample collection and testing was undertaken at Southern Water’s treatment plant in Petersfield using the sequencing batch reactors and equipment available in the Environmental Technology Field Station located on site.
• Data was analysed using Minitab. A Pairwise Pearsons test, the creation of regression models and a regression equation was undertaken to assess which variables cause an increase in N2O released.
• The Pairwise Pearsons test concluded that temperature, total suspended solids, nitrite and ammonia have the most significant impact on N2O emissions in sequencing batch reactors.
• Through regression modelling, a regression equation was derived in an attempt to predict N2O emissions,
• However, as N2O emissions have an unpredictable nature, it is difficult to predict N2O factors with certainty.

Course: Civil Engineering - BEng (Hons) - C0177

Date Deposited: 2023-07-13

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis14155.html