Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 14165

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Hellerová, Denisa (2023) Spanish to English translation of Eduardo Norte’s short science fiction novel: Cartas Agupianas and commentary. (unpublished BA dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


This research project translates the first 2,000 words of the first three chapters of Eduardo Norte's science fiction novel ‘Cartas Agupianas’, published in July 2022, from Spanish to English. The translation is accompanied by a commentary on the challenges faced during the process. The source text was taken from the electronic version of the book, so page numbers may differ from the hard copy. 

This project suggests several approaches, such as the Skopos theory and translation strategies, theories and procedures, as well as literary translation, to support the translation choices made after careful consideration of important factors like genre, function, text type, and target audience. The project examines how the culturally distinctive items affect the message and offers translation equivalents based on an appropriate theory and a related text. The paper also looks at difficult linguistic constructions including collocations, coarse language, neologisms, and science fiction terminology and jargon. Next, culturally specific issues that were faced during the translation process are explored, along with the steps that were taken to address them. Overall, careful examination of the source text and knowledge with relevant theory helped produce the most accurate translation possible with reference to the target audience.

Course: Applied Languages - BA (Hons) - C0392

Date Deposited: 2023-07-25

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis14165.html