Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 14175

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Cebartowska, Agata Kalina (2023) Subtitling a Spanish travel documentary about the City of Granada into English. (unpublished BA dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


The project’s aim is to create suitable and easily read English subtitles for a 14-minute extract from a Spanish documentary Granada: Patrimonio de la Humanidad, produced by an audiovisual production company Cedecom from Málaga, Spain. In addition to that, an in-depth translation commentary was produced where various challenges related to both subtitling and translation are explored.
To aid me in the translation process and to choose the right translation strategies, I have studied several books and academic articles focusing on the theory behind both translation and subtitling. Furthermore, a number of parallel texts, videos and other resources were used to help familiarize myself with the subject of the source text to ensure the best quality translation possible.
Some of the challenges encountered in this project include issues related to space and time constrains in subtitling that can be overcome by applying condensation strategies such as partial or total reduction. The essay also focuses on the intricacies and nuances that come with translating the language of tourism and how I dealt with the challenges that came with it including the use of positive adjectives and the second person pronouns as both a marketing strategy and mimicking the target language conventions. It also talks about difficulties related to translating rhetorical devices metaphors or personification as well as cultural references such as place names or terms that describe a reality in the source culture (Spain) that do not have a direct equivalent in the target culture (the UK).

Course: International Relations and Languages - BA (Hons) - C1727

Date Deposited: 2023-07-28

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis14175.html