Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 14185

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Combes, Louise (2023) An investigation into how mainstream primary schools ensure that learning is adapted for the individual child whilst ensuring that all children progress. (unpublished BA dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


The research considers how mainstream primary schools adapt learning in mathematics for the individual pupil whilst ensuring that all pupils within the class are making progress. The study focuses on a large, village primary school in Southern England.
It focuses on developing an understanding of how Maths Mastery is being delivered within the classroom by the teacher and teaching assistants (TAs) and the impact that this is having on pupil progress. Furthermore, this study considers how the role of the TA has altered due to policy changes and how this supports effective learning for pupils.
A case study approach was identified as being the most useful for this small-scale research paper. A review of the literature was undertaken to ascertain the historical and current context of the issues surrounding the subject. Questionnaires were carried out with teachers and TAs to identify personal perspectives of the changes undertaken to the delivery of the mathematics curriculum within this school.
Evaluation of the data suggests that time was a barrier for all staff members involved with the maths curriculum, along with training. However, more positively, the overall feedback appeared to suggest that by carrying out the Assessment for Learning (AFL), and then undertaking targeted input, the pupils were getting more satisfaction and enjoyment out of the sessions, which positively impacted attainment.

Course: Education Studies - BA - U2711FTC

Date Deposited: 2023-07-28

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis14185.html