Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 14194

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Robinson, Caitlin M. (2023) Recycled aggregate in highway construction. (unpublished MEng dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


This study comes from the necessity of the industry needing to become more sustainable which can be achieved in a few different methods, reduced extraction of finite resources, reducing the volume of construction waste filling up landfill and reducing the haulage of materials unnecessarily. The idea of this study is to investigate the use of recycled aggregates in the base layer of pavement design, this is looking at a range of recycled aggregates and comparing them to the widely used virgin aggregates and how this can make the industry more sustainable but also receive other benefits such as economical and help to improve standards and legislation.

The preliminary study focused on the current use of recycled aggregates taking place already in pavement design and trying to identify which other types of recycled aggregates could be substituted into the base layer. The main investigation was testing these identified aggregates to determine their suitability. This testing is conducted on a miniature scale to pavement design and the testing method for this is a California bearing ration (CBR) test which is standardly used in industry.

Course: Civil Engineering - MEng - U0178178YC

Date Deposited: 2023-10-11

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis14194.html