Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 14219

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Dearson Adams, Cole Anthony (2023) How Ennio Morricone's work on the 'Dollars Trilogy' soundtrack has influenced the sound of Western-themed media. (unpublished BA dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


This project is a piece of music with three movements written for a hypothetical Western film, with modern musical traits that can be audibly recognised as a pastiche based around Ennio Morricone’s work on Spaghetti Western soundtracks, the main influences being the Dollars Trilogy, and the techniques and innovations that aided his creation of the iconic sounds associated with the Western genre. Primary research was conducted via an online questionnaire identifying key musical techniques present in Western soundtracks, and one-on-one interviews were carried out to receive feedback on the composition. Using the results from the questionnaire, the most recognisable elements of Western soundtracks were incorporated into the composition to create an accurate pastiche of Morricone’s work, these mainly being what instruments to include. When the composition was in its final stage, interviews were conducted to gain final impressions and opinions to see if the aim was met; a successful outcome would be if it would be agreed that the composition would sound acceptable in Western media

Course: Music Technology - BSc (Hons) - U3958PYC

Date Deposited: 2023-10-12

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis14219.html