Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 14225

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Wilson, Rebecca Faye (2023) What do recruiters want to see in an animation demo reel?. (unpublished BSc dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


This paper will address the importance of building a portfolio and tailoring it to enhance prospects of employment. There are many great portfolios, research found adding quality animation to a demo reel, and tailoring it to a specific company to compete with other demo reels is essential.
After looking into what employers want in the animation industry and understanding they are looking for at least 5 pieces of quality animation in a showreel, and a consistent level of work, building a demo reel with these attributes is vital and also being able to access this information is key as it needs to be clear for recruiters.
The bottom line is recruiters want to see a good animation pipeline and see this reflected in your animations. Work should be tailored towards each company applied for as this will benefit the company and they will see that you have researched their values and requirements to apply for a role.

Course: Computer Animation and Visual Effects - BSc - U2700PYC

Date Deposited: 2023-10-12

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis14225.html