Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 14226

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Bacani, Andrea Vhie (2023) Creating 3D, emotive, anthropomorphic animal animation for children. (unpublished BSc dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


Animal characters have been used in many mediums throughout history, with the recent trend being live-action 3D remakes of known and loved characters. Due to public criticism, the sentiment directed towards 3D animal characters is negative at worst, sceptical at best. This is at large because of the lacking representation of emotive, anthropomorphic characteristics, as studios choose to prioritise realism. This artefact dissertation will explore the possibilities of “realistic anthropomorphism” and produce quadruped animation based on a decided personality. Emotional expression through this animation will also be easily understood by young children and encourage engagement. Agile development is the methodology used to produce the animations, with the software used being Autodesk Maya. Results of this exploration show that it is indeed possible to harmonise realism and anthropomorphism. An emphasis on balance is observed in the evaluation of the animations, as balancing the fundamentally opposing terms takes a lot of time and planning.

Course: Creative Media Technologies - BSc - C2734S

Date Deposited: 2023-10-12

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis14226.html