Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 14231

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Cramp, Lucy (2023) Creating an accessible mental health app for anxiety. (unpublished BSc dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


This dissertation follows the development and understanding of creating an accessible mental health app for anxiety called Anxibuddy. The purpose of this application is to provide mental health material that is used as a tool for helping with the management of users' emotional, cognitive, psychological and behavioural anxiety symptoms alongside tracking their process. The app will provide CBT-guided exercises and mental health support lines creatively and engagingly with the implantation of augmented reality and the settings menu has adjustable settings for user accessibility such as text size, audio, colour and language.
An exploration of anxiety was done through an integrative literature review which aims to uncover the history and understand the demographic who have anxiety to create a scientifically accurate game for anxiety and anxiety disorders. Findings proved many benefits that apps for mental health have for people with anxiety alongside other mental health conditions such as depression due to comorbid symptoms if there are the correct tools available.
Overall a mixed method approach using quantitative and qualitative data was conducted to achieve the aims of discovering the effectiveness, benefits and practicality of current mental health apps and if Anxibuddy would meet user criteria. This was evaluated through the aims and a survey that was created which uncovered that the design of the app was clear and easily understood with a 100% pass rate to test the app's artistic design. The survey conducted showed that every feature that would be implemented in the design was chosen more than once by each participant to conclude it was what the targeted demographic wants to see in a mental health app which meant the project was a success and should be further developed in the future.

Course: Computer Games Enterprise - BSc (Hons) - C1672

Date Deposited: 2023-10-19

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis14231.html