Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 14242

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Capaldi-Tallon, Jack (2023) A software proof of concept for blended classroom learning in higher music education. (unpublished BSc dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


A Software Proof of Concept for Blended Classroom Learning within Higher Music Education is an academic project based around the research and creation of methods surrounding post-pandemic higher education teaching. The project involves the creation of a software proof of concept created in Max/MSP, that can be used both by lecturers and students in the classroom environment. It is an interactive presentation framework that demonstrates the potential within the current educational systems to increase our utilisation of technology within the classroom, that so far has been under optimised through both pre and pandemic education. Blended Classroom Learning reviews the benefits of not only being more time efficient for the educators in their ability to create classroom artefacts, but also as a means to create a more interactive and involved learning experience for the students. The software prototype was then implemented into testing, with a presentation and demonstration given to university students to identify where the proof of concept succeeds in the classroom environment, or where users see potential changes or drawbacks to the software. This feedback is then turned into data to show the positive direction of the project towards increasing technology utilisation within education.

Course: Music Technology - BSc (Hons) - U3958PYC

Date Deposited: 2023-10-19

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis14242.html