Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 14256

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Abuzenah, Adel (2023) Prefabricated smart façade using 6D BIM. (unpublished MSc dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


Building Information Management (BIM) emerged as a pivotal technology in the construction sector, offering an advanced platform for comprehensive management of construction projects. This research delved into the details of BIM, with a particular emphasis on 6D BIM and Lean construction, and their implications for prefabricated smart façade design. The primary aim of the study was to ascertain the impact of 6D BIM and Lean construction on smart façade design and to propose a framework for its efficient adoption. The research objectives encompassed an exploration of prevailing BIM trends, an analysis of 6D BIM's role in façade design, an examination of Lean construction principles, and the formulation and validation of an analytical model for the seamless integration of 6D BIM and Lean construction in façade design. The research methodology employed a blend of qualitative and quantitative techniques, with primary data sourced from a meticulously designed questionnaire and secondary data extracted from esteemed academic sources. Through an in-depth questionnaire survey, insights were gleaned from professionals spanning various experience levels and company sizes. The findings highlighted the potential of 6D BIM in enhancing façade design. The insights from this study provide a robust understanding of BIM's current standing in the construction sector and its prospective trajectory in the domain of smart façade design.

Course: Building Information Management - MSc - P2657FTC

Date Deposited: 2023-11-07

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis14256.html