Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 14260

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Nimalsiri, Juwan Pedirigge Dasini Piyumali (2023) Design management in practice and its application in the technical assurance of a design. (unpublished MSc dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


Design management emerged as a solution to address the fragmentation that exists between the design and construction stages in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry. It stands as a crucial component in the management of the overall design process. Within the framework of design management lies technical assurance, a mechanism that ensures the final design generated at the conclusion of the design phase is comprehensive, with identified issues rectified prior to construction. Technical assurance is considered a primary responsibility of the design manager.
This dissertation centres on an exploration of the challenges in the technical assurance process which impact both the design outcome and the role of the design manager. Through a comprehensive study of literature relevant to this study, and the implementation of primary research, this dissertation has successfully accomplished its research aim and objectives. The comparison between theoretical concepts and their practical application, as discerned through primary and secondary research outcomes, imparts valuable insights into the application of technical assurance within the AEC industry.
Both the primary and secondary research findings indicate that the existing perception of technical assurance and the application of its process remain distinct within the AEC industry, necessitating in-depth research to establish its standardisation.
A key revelation from this research revolves around the impact of people on the technical assurance process. This encompasses the design team, clients and stakeholders, whose perception of technical assurance impedes the efficiency of the technical assurance process. These challenges encountered in the technical assurance process during the design stage are accompanied by suitable mitigation methods that can enhance the efficiency of the process.

Course: Construction Project Management - MSc - C1659

Date Deposited: 2023-11-07

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis14260.html