Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 14287

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Opata, MacEben Sakitey (2023) The efficacy of counterterrorism policy in the UK and it evolution,post 911. (unpublished BA dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


The present dissertation investigates the efficacy of counterterrorism policies in the UK and their evolution post 9/11, addressing the following four aims: addressing in particular how the effectiveness of counterterrorism policies can be judged, whether policies have been effective in reducing terrorists threats without incurring further radicalism, whether policies are equipped to deal with emerging terrorism threats such as from right-wing extremism, and how counterterrorism policy has reformed to address such newly emerging forms of terrorism. The dissertation finds that counterterrorism policy has achieved some notable success in combatting terrorism in the UK, resulting in an overall reduction in terrorist activities between 2000 and 2010 and, despite an increase in terrorist activities after that, an increase also in charges and prosecution for terrorism offences resulting from successful investigations, indicating a gradual improvement in the efficacy of counterterrorism policies and approaches. However, whilst counterterrorism laws have proven adaptable to emerging trends of extreme right-wing and other forms of ideologically driven terrorism, policies towards countering such activities have notably struggled to adapt to characteristic differences in such emerging forms of terrorist activity.

Course: International Relations and Politics - BA (Hons) - C0694

Date Deposited: 2024-01-12

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis14287.html