Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 14289

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Roddis, Steven (2023) The Soviet Union: the Soviet Afghan War and its devastating effect on the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), The Soviet Afghan War: to what extent was the Soviet Union damaged? (1979-1991). (unpublished BA dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


This dissertation argues that the Soviet Afghan war caused significant damage to the Soviet Union. The research findings reveal that the war led to critical economic, political and social consequences. For those living in the Soviet Union living standards dropped and wage increases stagnated. The impact of this war on the Soviet Union has often been brushed over by previous scholars. This research aims to bolster the idea that the Soviet Afghan war needs to be included in the conversation of the collapse of the Soviet Union. Through an analysis of primary and secondary sources, including government records, official reports, and personal accounts, this study seeks to provide a comprehensive understanding of the impact of the war on the Soviet Union.
Overall, the findings of this dissertation demonstrate that the Soviet-Afghan War had a profound and far-reaching impact on the Soviet Union, contributing to the eventual collapse and the end of the Cold War era.

Course: International Relations - BA (Hons)

Date Deposited: 2024-01-12

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis14289.html