Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 14294

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Adu, Loretta Sarpomaa (2023) Exploring the experiences of women in educational leadership positions in Ghana. (unpublished MSc dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


Women empowerment is a very sensitive issue in Ghana and the world in general due to the deep-seated, culturally influenced negative stereotype against women. Many believe women are only good at playing second fiddle in every profession because it is believed do not have the capacity to lead. This phenomenon is also common in educational leadership. This dissertation aimed to explore the experiences garnered by women who have been able to break the glass ceiling and get into leadership positions in Ghana's educational system to better understand their challenges and other pertinent issues pertaining to their leadership. In line with this, the study objectives were to examine the challenges Women in Educational Leadership in Ghana face in their respective positions and in carryi9ng out their responsibility; assess the support they get from their organization and other sources to deal with the challenges; and to evaluate the leadership styles they adopt in carrying out their responsibility. The qualitative phenomenological research methodology was adopted for this study. Nine (9) female leaders in Ghana's Education Sector were purposely sampled with the aid of semi-structures interviews. Data analysis included coding and thematic development and analysis. The findings indicated that women in education leadership in Ghana are typically challenged by Prejudice, Stereotype, Discrimination, Subordination and Balance with work and family life. The study further revealed that these women are usually supported by their organizations through career advancement opportunities and resources with external support from family and friends. The leadership style adopted by theses women were mainly democratic with little variations in approach to leadership. The study recommends the formulation of policies that provide a conducive climate where women are encouraged to voice their opinions on promotion and career development prospects, as well as to be confident enough to compete for leadership roles they qualify for.

Course: Educational Leadership and Management - MSc

Date Deposited: 2024-01-18

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis14294.html