Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 14297

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Waters, Peter Joseph (2023) Revealing the ELT academic management role through an analysis of job adverts in Vietnam. (unpublished MA dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


This study gathered data from fifty-one job adverts for Academic Management positions in ELT companies in Vietnam. The purpose was to clarify the qualifications, experience and skills required for
this role as well as the key responsibilities, tasks and duties candidates were expected to perform. This helps to generate a deeper evidence-based understanding of this crucial position which is lacking from current literature and studies. A qualitative content analysis approach was utilized to analyse the job adverts with data being categorized using a mixture of open and concept-driven coding to build a candidate and job profile. The 2021 Eaquals Academic Management Competency Framework was used to help categorise and structure the responsibilities on the job adverts. The initial framework was found to be unable to capture the entirety of the Academic Management role and responsibilities unable to be subsumed were re-integrated to build a more complete final classification. Candidates were found to require degrees, two years of teaching experience and variable management experience to be suitable for the Academic Management role. A thematic skill-set emphasizing the importance of communication, organization and technology skills in particular was also identified. Key responsibilities aligned around staff training and development, content creation and quality control. Key differences were identified in terms of candidate expectations and skills between Academic Management jobs for local Vietnamese and foreign candidates. Overall, foreign candidates were expected to possess better qualifications, more experience and more overt leadership skills but the core responsibilities of the job did not vary as significantly.

Course: TESOL/Leadership and Management - MA - P2593PTD

Date Deposited: 2024-01-22

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis14297.html