Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 14299

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Bernard, Elias (2023) Conceptual Metaphors of War in the context of war a comparative analysis between Orators from China and the United States, on The Palestine Question. (unpublished MA dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


War related metaphors in the context of war. Members of the United Nations Security Council in their address on The Palestine Question provide distinct perspectives on war-related conceptual metaphors, and the United Nations Security Council servers as a relevant platform explore war-related discourse in the context of war. Representatives from culturally diverse backgrounds may employ varying metaphors in this context, with choices influenced by multiple factors. By utilising Critical Metaphor Analysis (CMA) with the employment of Metaphor Identification Procedure VU (MIPVU), this study conducts a comparative analysis of the conceptual metaphors employed by the United Nations representatives of China and the United States on the matter of The Palestine Question. The findings reveal both similarities and differences in metaphor usage. Notably, differences are characterised by metaphors associated with deception, symbolic defence, and journey with negative sentiments by the representative of China, while a prevalence of metaphors related to building and journey with neutral sentiments by the representative of the United States. These variations can be contributed to cultural, linguistic, and political factors. 

Course: Communication and Applied Linguistics - MA - P2589PTD

Date Deposited: 2024-01-22

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis14299.html