Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 14328

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Iroju, Oreoluwa Faith (2023) Leadership styles on employee competence and productivity in the Nigerian banking sector. (unpublished MA dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


This study investigates the role of leadership in employee competence and productivity within Nigerian financial institutions. The study was focused on three primary research objectives and related questions. Firstly, it examined the effects of employees' leadership perception on their competence and productivity. Secondly, it explored whether employee satisfaction levels influenced competence in Nigerian banks. Lastly, it sought to determine the most prevalent leadership style among supervisors and managers in the Nigerian banking sector.


Through a survey, data was collected from 62 employees in Nigerian banks, and analysed quantitatively and qualitatively. The analysis revealed that a significant majority of employees perceived their immediate supervisors or managers as effective in providing clear directions, ensuring communication within the team, demonstrating strong decision-making skills, empowering and delegating authority, and cultivating a positive and inclusive work environment. A substantial portion of participants expressed satisfaction with their ability to perform interestingly in their roles, their current workload, their relationship with their managers, their opportunities for career progression, the physical work environment, and their overall satisfaction with their current employers.


Regarding leadership styles, participants recognised a diverse range of approaches among supervisors and managers, with democratic and autocratic styles being the most prominent. Transformational and transactional styles also featured prominently, often in combination. In terms of employee competence and productivity, the majority of participants displayed confidence in their abilities and motivation for continuous improvement. They believed they could meet productivity expectations set for their roles, and most perceived a positive impact of their supervisor/manager's leadership style on their competence and productivity.

The study demonstrates the significant impact of leadership perception on employee competence and productivity in Nigerian financial organisations. Recommendations for leaders include investing in leadership development, encouraging cooperation, identifying career paths, and managing employees’ workload.

Keywords: Leadership, Employee competence, Productivity, Nigerian financial institutions.




Course: Business Communication for International Leadership - MA - P3088FTC

Date Deposited: 2024-01-29

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis14328.html