Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 14348

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Onifade, Ayomide (2023) The effectiveness of un-imposed arms embargoes for promoting international peace & security. (unpublished MA dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


This research delves into the multifaceted realm of arms embargoes within conflict-ridden contexts, using case studies of Yemen and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The study critically analyzes the implementation and impact of United Nations (UN)-imposed arms embargoes as coercive instruments aimed at curbing arms flow and fostering conflict resolution. The investigation navigates through historical backgrounds, conflict dynamics, arms import data, and diplomatic efforts, offering a comprehensive examination of the intricate interplay between sanctions, conflict actors, and peace initiatives. The Yemeni conflict, stemming from the 2011 Arab Spring uprisings, epitomizes a complex and enduring struggle. The arms embargo imposed by the UN Security Council in 2015 serves as a focal point, showcasing the challenges of enforcement and its intricate relationship with diplomatic efforts. The study underscores how porous borders and arms smuggling networks circumvented the embargo's intentions, fueling conflict dynamics. Diplomatic negotiations entangled with accusations of embargo violations further underline the complexity of sanctions within conflict resolutions. Similarly, the case study of Bosnia and Herzegovina explores arms embargoes in post-conflict scenarios. Analyzing arms import data from 1990 to 2022, the research elucidates the varying impact of embargoes on different arms categories. The study portrays the effectiveness of the arms embargo during the active conflict and post-conflict periods, highlighting reductions in arms imports and contributing to conditions conducive to conflict resolution. Both case studies underscore the intricate interplay between arms embargoes, conflict dynamics, and diplomatic initiatives. The research offers insights into the challenges faced in enforcing comprehensive sanctions and the evolving impact of embargoes on conflict trajectories. The findings contribute to the broader discourse on conflict resolution, shedding light on the nuanced role of arms embargoes in shaping conflict zones' complexities.

Course: International Relations - MA - P2929FTD

Date Deposited: 2024-01-31

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis14348.html