Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 14356

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Miles, Rebecca (2023) Realism, liberalism and hegemonic theory Within political speeches from the United States and United Kingdom during the Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan wars.. (unpublished MA dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


This research investigates the presence of core theories within international relations studies within conflict based politics. This analyses speeches from the prime ministers and presidents of the United Kingdom and the United States regarding the start and end of action in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. The research starts with an analysis of the key theories: classical and neo-realism, classical and neo-liberalism and hegemony to be used later in the findings and discussion chapters. Using convenience sampling, this study aims to find which theories are the most prevalent within conflicts by analysing the broadcasts of state leader speeches to find if there are evident changes to society visible through the speeches and whether, as large states, the United Kingdom and the United States frame themselves in similar ways as a hegemon. This research compliments previous work completed as it fills the gaps between what theories modern politics reflect and whether the actions taken in recent events mirror any of the classical theories despite the levels of developments that have occurred.

Course: International Relations - MA - P2929FTD

Date Deposited: 2024-02-02

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis14356.html