Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 14398

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Manley, Anya (2023) An evaluation on how school interventions can alleviate the symptoms of poverty for children in Key Stage 1. (unpublished BA dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


This dissertation considered the role that primary schools can play in alleviating the symptoms of childhood poverty for children in Key Stage 1 (ages four to seven). Childhood poverty has been a significant issue in the United Kingdom over the past two decades with the Government promising to have it eradicated by 2020. The introduction of this target along with other significant policies (such as Pupil Premium and Free School Meals) could be argued to have improved the lives of children aged four to seven. Since the UK Government introduced they were going to tackle child poverty, there was just under a million of children living in poverty that has increased throughout the two decades. Researching into the various aspects of childhood poverty and current implementations to improve children’s physical and mental development in Key Stage 1 is considered to be an important aspect for a potential career path in teaching as you will be able to support the development of children with the knowledge presented. Using literature, this dissertation has reviewed the history of the UK’s childhood poverty issue and what current implementations are seen for primary schools to assist in the child’s educational journey. Understanding what the Government has introduced and what academic researchers have said about the effects of childhood poverty for children aged four to seven, there still needs to be more improvement from the Government to eradicate child poverty. This study has highlighted and concluded the importance for more research surrounding child poverty and the current cost of living crisis.

Course: Early Childhood Studies - BA (Hons)

Date Deposited: 2024-05-15

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis14398.html