Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 14403

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Patel, Shaniya (2022) Understanding Russian involvement in Afghanistan: explaining changes in Russian foreign policy towards Afghanistan. (unpublished BA dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


The relationship between Russia and Afghanistan has been of interest since the Soviet intervention in 1979. Involvement with the country since has seen various waves of either intensive involvement or strategic laxity, however, the reasoning for these changes is what this dissertation will understand and analyse. Providing a broader comprehension of the history between Russia and Afghanistan allows for a clearer understanding of how relations have developed and changed over time and additionally will allow for greater awareness of the broader context; the international state of affairs from 1979 to 2018. Engaging with the theoretical frameworks provided by Charles Hermann, this research will look to comprehend the multiple facets that drive Russian foreign policy in Afghanistan and provide a deeper view of Russian- Afghan relations. It focuses on both internal and external causes for Russian foreign policy changes from the USSR’s invasion in 1979 to the end of Putin’s third term in 2018. This dissertation will additionally take time to mention the ideas of Tsygankov in regards to the internal government influences on Russian foreign policy, looking at the numerous schools of thought that have shaped foreign policymaking. This theory will delve further into the noticeable factions prominent within the Russian government and what role they have played in formulating policy. The dissertation maintains the stance that internal factors, mainly the role of the predominant leader, provide a greater explanation for the changes in Russian foreign policy in Afghanistan from 1979 to 2018. After this, it will then finally provide some predictions of the future of Russian relations with Afghanistan and consider the findings made in the previous chapters.

Course: International Relations and Politics - BA (Hons) - C0694

Date Deposited: 2024-05-15

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis14403.html