Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 14685
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Harris, Neill (2024) The three-dimensional response of unreinforced masonry structure to blast loading. (unpublished MSc dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth
Blast engineering in the context of the built environment is the design of structures to resist structural loading from blasts, originating from accidental or malicious sources alike. These events are becoming increasingly common with terrorist attacks rising and accidental blast frequency increasing as development does, especially in developing areas, such as the Beirut explosion. The aim of this master’s thesis is to investigate the ability of widely available software and techniques to analyse the structural response of unreinforced masonry structures to blast loading.
Unreinforced masonry is exceptionally common in the built environment due to its strength, aesthetics and ease of construction. However, due to the nature of its construction it is susceptible to out of plane actions such as blast loading. The failure of unreinforced masonry with blast loading is not entirely understood and there is little guidance on designing structures to efficiently resist blast loads.
The research methodology consists of using experimental data previously collected and replicating the scenario within numerical finite element modelling. Two structures are analysed with geometric nonlinearity considered and their dynamic response is simulated using FEA software, LUSAS.
The results showed an acceptable level of comparison between simulated and experimental results but the confidence in these findings is low until further research can confirm this. The model failed to encapsulate some behaviour due to the limitation of the study technique but mainly due to the inability to account for progressive collapse changing the loading scenario.
The results of this research will help in understanding the structural response of unreinforced masonry to blast loading and aid industry to develop the knowledge and confidence to undertake the analysis which was previously reserved for the largest companies and projects due to specialist knowledge and added costs.
This thesis will aim to contribute to the field discussed with the aim of reducing the economic loss and unnecessary loss of life associated with the failure of structures to blast loading.
Course: Civil Engineering - MSc - C0618
Date Deposited: 2025-01-17
URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis14685.html