Library lift replacement (18 March - June 2024)

Posted: Fri, 31st May 2024

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Updated May 31st 2024 14:57

The lift replacement work is largely completed.  We are now just waiting for final testing to be completed before we can restore the lift to full service. 

Thank you for your ongoing patience.

Updated May 23rd 2024 14:43

The lift replacement is going well and is currently being tested.  The work is currently expected to be completed on time.

Updated Apr 25th 2024 11:06

Severe noise disruption (5-10 am on Tuesday 30 April)

The lift contractors will be drilling holes in the walls of the lift shaft to install the push buttons on each floor between 5 - 10 am on Tuesday 30 April.  This work is expected to be particularly noisy and will affect each floor in turn.   

The noise disruption is expected to be less severe on the far side of the building from the lift, in Areas 0B, 1B and 2B.  Free sound-cancelling earplugs are also available from the Library Reception Desk.  

One of the two lifts in the Library will be out of action for a number of weeks between Monday 18 March and 31 May. The lift in the Atrium will continue to be available.

There will be some noisy work undertaken, mainly before 10am each day.  We are working closely with the contractors and the University Estates team to minimise noise disruption later in the day.  

Look out for signs in the Library to help you find quieter areas of the building and watch this newsfeed for further updates.



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