Mendeley defaulting to 7th ed. APA

Posted: Tue, 24th Mar 2020

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For the rest of this academic year, most departments in the University are still using APA 6th ed. referencing.  None are changing to 7th ed. this year. 

Mendeley has already started to format references in 7th ed. APA style by default, however.  It is possible to make Mendeley go back to using 6th ed. APA.  We have produced full instructions on the web in screen reader accessible format and here as a downloadable pdf guide with screenshots showing you what each stage looks like.  The process is a bit tricky: you have to uninstall 7th ed. APA before you can reinstall 6th ed. APA, and you then have to set 6th ed. APA in your Mendeley library and Word plug-in, but the instructions take you through this step by step.  

There is also now a video available on Moodle explaining how to change Mendeley from 7th ed. APA to 6th ed.



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