Social Work

For quick access to high quality information for your assignments, try the links on these pages.

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Reading Lists

Got an assignment? Have you looked at the reading list to see lecturer recommendations?

Key Starters for Essays, Projects and Independent Studies

Identify different sources of information and link to ebooks and other top sources

Finding Articles and Key Practitioner Updates

Practitioner Updates from CareKnowledge and Community Care Inform are vital sources

• Age UK 

Age UK helps millions of people, providing support, companionship and advice. Their website contains information and advice which is helpful to individuals, their families and professionals who work with them. They campaign with and for older people to champion their rights, needs and wishes. They have local branches throughout the UK and via Age International link to concerns about older people across the world.

The independent professional membership organisation for social work across the UK. Amongst other useful information, the site includes the Code of Ethics.

The official UK body with the mandate to challenge discrimination on the grounds of age, disability, gender, race, religion and belief, pregnancy and maternity, marriage and civil partnership, sexual orientation and gender reassignment, and protect and promote human rights.


Use this site to find Government information from departments, publications or statistics.
H.M. Treasury is particularly useful for publications and statistics.

Research and analysis on a wide variety of topics from education, poverty and social policy to foreign policy, trade and economics produced by impartial experts in the House of Commons Library. Either click Research at the top of the screen, then scroll down to browse by topic or click Search at the top right of the screen, then change to Search all research services before putting in your topic so that you can pick up House of Lords reports as well as House of Commons.

A key UK organisation which seeks to address problems caused by poverty, poor housing/homelessness and an ageing society, plus a broad range of other social issues. Use the Topics drop-down at the top of the site to access a wide range of useful reports dating from 1994 onwards, plus relevant statistics.

Britain's leading independent social research institute. Research covers all areas of social policy. Reports are produced in the following areas: Equality & Diversity, Children, Schools & Families, Health & Wellbeing, Social Inclusion, Crime & Justice, Income & Work and Social & Political Attitudes

An A-Z list of key terms used in child protection in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales

Quick and easy access to the latest information, research and resources on child abuse, child neglect and child protection to help you keep children and young people safe.

The general pages provide country information and statistics from across the world.

The Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) is a leading improvement support agency and an independent charity working with adults', families' and children's care and support services across the UK

The specialist body regulating social workers in England. The site includes the professional standards setting out what social workers in England must know, understand and be able to do.



Guidance and support for referencing in APA 7, including advice about reference generators

Your Subject Team

 Anne Worden

Faculty Librarian


 Sharon Bittner

Assistant Faculty Librarian
