Linocut print illustration display

We are delighted to display the work of illustration student Mark Howard Jones, who works extensively and creatively with linocut printing to create characterful illustrations for books and other works.  

Artist's Statement

I am a full-time artist and experienced art educator based in Hampshire.  I have always been driven to express a personal visual response to my local environment, people, places and objects through drawing, painting and printmaking,  inspired by exploring colour, composition, materials and processes.

I specialise in relief printmaking and painting.  My work combines the process of making with capturing the social and cultural memories associated with walking.  Drawing inspiration from the vibrant tapestry of my local Hampshire environment, I make colourful linocut prints and paintings often depicting suburban scenes featuring dogs and their owners enjoying moments of exercise and connection in the park.

My main goal as an artist is to produce artwork with a strong sense of place and walking is the biggest influence on my work, I also enjoy reading about psychogeography, social realist graphic novels, and looking at wordless books.

If you want to find out more, get exclusive news, exhibition dates and occasional offers, sign up for my newsletter

~ Mark Howard Jones

Linoprint illustrated publications

Linoprint illustrated publications

Black and white lino print illustrations

Colour lino print illustrations

Colour lino print illustration display

Artist's books, colour illustration lino prints and a biography of the artist

 Colour lino print of a three people singing a barbershop trio